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North Brisbane Weightlifting Association
Age Group
Mast 70-74
Weightlifting Age
70 (Born 1954)
Paul Wheeler 20112011
Craig Wegert 20122013
Jenny Butler 20142014
Adam Meek 20152021



Personal Bests


Competition History

QWA League Round 1 & Masters League Round 157.9025305518/02/201276.055UNGRADED
JME Qld Club Challenge- Cougars57.9025(+1) 31(+1) 5610/03/201277.438UNGRADED
QLD Masters Championships58.502429535/05/201272.792UNGRADED
Australian & Oceania Masters Championships56.1025(+1) 32(+1) 5716/06/201280.519UNGRADED
QWA League Round 3 & Masters League Round 357.10(+1) 26(+1) 33(+2) 5928/07/201282.349UNGRADED
QWA League Round 4 & Masters League Round 457.2526(+1) 34(+1) 601/09/201283.597UNGRADED
North Brisbane Xmas Competition59.1024345815/12/201279.129UNGRADED
Ironskull Australia Day Competition60.80(+1) 2734(+1) 6126/01/201381.724UNGRADED
QWA League and Masters League Round 160.5023325516/02/201373.917UNGRADED
JME Qld Club Challenge Round 1 - Ironskull60.30(+1) 2834(+1) 628/03/201383.500UNGRADED
QWA League and Masters League Round 259.6527(+1) 356220/04/201384.081UNGRADED
QWA Masters Championships57.9527(+1) 36(+1) 634/05/201387.068UNGRADED
JME Qld Club Challenge Round 2 - Ironskull55.85(+1) 29(+2) 38(+4) 671/06/201394.936UNGRADED
QWA League and Masters League Round 357.0526305629/06/201378.208UNGRADED
World Masters Games56.752533582/08/201381.290UNGRADED
North Brisbane Open Club Competition58.0027356214/12/201385.637UNGRADED
QWA League Round 1 & Masters League Round 159.2025376215/02/201484.494UNGRADED
Qld Masters Championships62.052736633/05/201483.339UNGRADED
QWA League Round 2 & Masters League Round 260.00270017/05/20140.000UNGRADED
World Masters Championships56.9025001/09/20140.000UNGRADED
North Brisbane Open Club Competition52.5026346013/12/201488.833UNGRADED
Uesaka Barbell Australia QWA League Round 1 & Masters League Round 155.9527366321/02/201589.158UNGRADED
JME Qld Club Challenge Round 1 – North Brisbane54.0026356121/03/201588.497UNGRADED
Qld Masters Championships52.8027356218/04/201591.414UNGRADED
Uesaka Barbell Australia QWA League Round 2 & Masters League Round 252.9027376416/05/201594.233UNGRADED
JME Qld Club Challenge Round 2 – North Brisbane53.9026356123/05/201588.614UNGRADED
Olitek Oceania & Australian Masters Championships54.352636626/06/201589.537UNGRADED
QWA League Round 3, Masters League Round 3, and Eleiko AWF Club Challenge State Qualifying Event57.3027325915/08/201582.156UNGRADED
JME Qld Club Challenge Round 3 – North Brisbane55.5027356222/08/201588.233UNGRADED
World Masters Championships52.6927346112/09/201590.076UNGRADED
JME Qld Club Challenge Round 4 – North Brisbane58.3026366231/10/201585.345UNGRADED
North Brisbane Open Competition53.002734615/12/201589.693UNGRADED
Qld Club Challenge Round 1 – North Brisbane52.652534595/02/201687.171UNGRADED
Uesaka Barbell Australia League & Masters League Round 152.4026366227/02/201691.922UNGRADED
Qld Masters Championships52.652736632/04/201693.081UNGRADED
Qld Club Challenge Round 2 & Eleiko Club Challenge Qualifying Round – North Brisbane53.3027366314/05/201692.257UNGRADED
Olitek Australian & Oceania Masters Championships52.602634603/06/201688.710UNGRADED
Uesaka Barbell Australia League & Masters League Round 255.2026366225/06/201688.567UNGRADED
Qld Club Challenge Round 3 – North Brisbane56.2028(+1) 396713/08/201694.530UNGRADED
Uesaka Barbell Australia League & Masters League Round 355.60260027/08/20160.000UNGRADED
IWF World Masters Championships54.302736631/10/201691.040UNGRADED
North Brisbane XMAS Competition57.6027356210/12/201686.032UNGRADED
JME Qld Club Challenge Round 1 – North Brisbane56.4528376528/01/201791.430UNGRADED
Uesaka Barbell Australia QWA League & Masters League Round 152.8426366225/02/201791.363UNGRADED
World Masters Games/Championships52.4228346223/04/201791.897UNGRADED
JME Qld Club Challenge Round 2 – North Brisbane57.0527386517/06/201790.778UNGRADED
Uesaka Barbell Australia QWA League & Masters League Round 257.552633595/08/201781.917UNGRADED
Qld Masters Championships 55.4027346126/08/201786.920UNGRADED
JME Qld Club Challenge Round 3 – North Brisbane57.8527346116/09/201784.401UNGRADED
AWF & OWF Masters Championships & Pacific Rim & World Cup52.4527346127/10/201790.377UNGRADED
Uesaka Barbell Australia QWA League Final57.6529346325/11/201787.369UNGRADED
Uesaka Barbell Australia QWA Masters League Final57.6529346325/11/201787.369UNGRADED
North Brisbane Xmas Club Competition59.20(+1) 3036669/12/201789.945UNGRADED
Uesaka QLD Club Challenge and League Round 161.4026366227/01/201882.554UNGRADED
Queensland Masters Championships56.0029356424/03/201890.518UNGRADED
Australian & Oceania Masters Championships52.1126325825/05/201886.343UNGRADED
Uesaka QLD Club Challenge and League Round 255.3026346023/06/201885.601UNGRADED
NBWA Club Competition55.6327366314/07/201889.512UNGRADED
IWF Masters World Championships52.8726325818/08/201885.434UNGRADED
Uesaka QLD Club Challenge and League Round 358.7225345913/10/201880.834UNGRADED
NBWA Xmas Club Competition (The Lawrie)60.332736638/12/201884.820UNGRADED
Queensland Masters Championships58.3027366319/01/201986.721UNGRADED
Physique Science Qld Club Challenge Round 1 – North Brisbane Weightlifting Assn61.702736632/02/201983.631UNGRADED
QWA League Round 161.1529356423/02/201985.435UNGRADED
Australian Masters Championships58.9426346016/03/201982.003UNGRADED
QWA League Round 262.502736636/04/201982.970UNGRADED
OWF & CWF Masters Championships58.6628356314/06/201986.372UNGRADED
Southside Storm Open Club Competition63.2527346124/08/201979.755UNGRADED
QWA League Round 362.552834627/09/201981.612UNGRADED
QWA League Grand Final63.2329366523/11/201985.001UNGRADED
The Lawrie – NBWA Xmas Competition62.532734617/12/201980.312UNGRADED
2020 Qld Club Challenge - Zillmere - Round 163.3428366411/01/202083.606UNGRADED
2020 Physique Science QWA League & Masters League - Round 161.2529326115/02/202081.347UNGRADED
2020 Qld Masters Championships & Oly in the Outback Open58.4030346413/03/202087.999UNGRADED
2020 Qld Club Challenge - Zillmere - Round 265.6728346225/07/202079.283UNGRADED
AWF Masters Open58.9525325724/10/202077.894UNGRADED
2020 Physique Science QWA League & Masters League - Final58.7528326014/11/202082.176UNGRADED
NBWA Christmas Club Competition - "The Lawrie" in conjunction with QWA Club Challenge Rd 358.762630565/12/202076.689UNGRADED
North Brisbane Weightlifting Association Inc. Club Competition63.552632581/05/202175.737UNGRADED
Qld State Masters Championships60.7527325919/06/202179.223UNGRADED
NBWA Xmas comp - The Lawrie63.602933624/12/202180.922UNGRADED
QWA State Masters Championships63.3026305614/05/202273.300UNGRADED

Competition Attempts

QWA League Round 1 & Masters League Round 157.9023242527293025305518/02/2012
JME Qld Club Challenge- Cougars57.9024252528303125315610/03/2012
QLD Masters Championships58.502324252729312429535/05/2012
Australian & Oceania Masters Championships56.1023252528303225325716/06/2012
QWA League Round 3 & Masters League Round 357.1024252629313326335928/07/2012
QWA League Round 4 & Masters League Round 457.252526273133342634601/09/2012
North Brisbane Xmas Competition59.1023242731343424345815/12/2012
Ironskull Australia Day Competition60.8023252730343727346126/01/2013
QWA League and Masters League Round 160.5023252630323523325516/02/2013
JME Qld Club Challenge Round 1 - Ironskull60.302628283134372834628/03/2013
QWA League and Masters League Round 259.6525272932353527356220/04/2013
QWA Masters Championships57.952527293336362736634/05/2013
JME Qld Club Challenge Round 2 - Ironskull55.852931313841412938671/06/2013
QWA League and Masters League Round 357.0524252630323526305629/06/2013
World Masters Games56.752425263333332533582/08/2013
North Brisbane Open Club Competition58.0025262733343527356214/12/2013
QWA League Round 1 & Masters League Round 159.2025272732353725376215/02/2014
Qld Masters Championships62.052526273436382736633/05/2014
QWA League Round 2 & Masters League Round 260.00262728353636270017/05/2014
World Masters Championships56.9024252634363725001/09/2014
North Brisbane Open Club Competition52.5024252630323426346013/12/2014
Uesaka Barbell Australia QWA League Round 1 & Masters League Round 155.9525262734353627366321/02/2015
JME Qld Club Challenge Round 1 – North Brisbane54.0025262734353626356121/03/2015
Qld Masters Championships52.8025262734353727356218/04/2015
Uesaka Barbell Australia QWA League Round 2 & Masters League Round 252.9026272735363727376416/05/2015
JME Qld Club Challenge Round 2 – North Brisbane53.9026272734353626356123/05/2015
Olitek Oceania & Australian Masters Championships54.352526263435362636626/06/2015
QWA League Round 3, Masters League Round 3, and Eleiko AWF Club Challenge State Qualifying Event57.3025262732343427325915/08/2015
JME Qld Club Challenge Round 3 – North Brisbane55.5026272934343527356222/08/2015
World Masters Championships52.6925262732343627346112/09/2015
JME Qld Club Challenge Round 4 – North Brisbane58.3025262732343626366231/10/2015
North Brisbane Open Competition53.002627273234342734615/12/2015
Qld Club Challenge Round 1 – North Brisbane52.652525263234372534595/02/2016
Uesaka Barbell Australia League & Masters League Round 152.4026272734363826366227/02/2016
Qld Masters Championships52.652526273436382736632/04/2016
Qld Club Challenge Round 2 & Eleiko Club Challenge Qualifying Round – North Brisbane53.3026272834363827366314/05/2016
Olitek Australian & Oceania Masters Championships52.602526273434342634603/06/2016
Uesaka Barbell Australia League & Masters League Round 255.2025262734363826366225/06/2016
Qld Club Challenge Round 3 – North Brisbane56.2026272835373928396713/08/2016
Uesaka Barbell Australia League & Masters League Round 355.60262627363637260027/08/2016
IWF World Masters Championships54.302526273436392736631/10/2016
North Brisbane XMAS Competition57.6026272935373727356210/12/2016
JME Qld Club Challenge Round 1 – North Brisbane56.4525272835353728376528/01/2017
Uesaka Barbell Australia QWA League & Masters League Round 152.8425252634363826366225/02/2017
World Masters Games/Championships52.4225262834343628346223/04/2017
JME Qld Club Challenge Round 2 – North Brisbane57.0526272934363827386517/06/2017
Uesaka Barbell Australia QWA League & Masters League Round 257.552526273335352633595/08/2017
Qld Masters Championships 55.4026272934343627346126/08/2017
JME Qld Club Challenge Round 3 – North Brisbane57.8526272934363627346116/09/2017
AWF & OWF Masters Championships & Pacific Rim & World Cup52.4526272934363627346127/10/2017
Uesaka Barbell Australia QWA League Final57.6527282934363629346325/11/2017
Uesaka Barbell Australia QWA Masters League Final57.6527282934363629346325/11/2017
North Brisbane Xmas Club Competition59.202728303436383036669/12/2017
Uesaka QLD Club Challenge and League Round 161.4026262832343626366227/01/2018
Queensland Masters Championships56.0026272934343529356424/03/2018
Australian & Oceania Masters Championships52.1126282832343426325825/05/2018
Uesaka QLD Club Challenge and League Round 255.3026272732343626346023/06/2018
NBWA Club Competition55.6327292932343627366314/07/2018
IWF Masters World Championships52.8726272732323426325818/08/2018
Uesaka QLD Club Challenge and League Round 358.7224252532343625345913/10/2018
NBWA Xmas Club Competition (The Lawrie)60.332627293436382736638/12/2018
Queensland Masters Championships58.3026272734363627366319/01/2019
Physique Science Qld Club Challenge Round 1 – North Brisbane Weightlifting Assn61.702526273234362736632/02/2019
QWA League Round 161.1526272933353529356423/02/2019
Australian Masters Championships58.9426282832343626346016/03/2019
QWA League Round 262.502526273234362736636/04/2019
OWF & CWF Masters Championships58.6627282833353528356314/06/2019
Southside Storm Open Club Competition63.2525262732343427346124/08/2019
QWA League Round 362.552627283234342834627/09/2019
QWA League Grand Final63.2327292934363829366523/11/2019
The Lawrie – NBWA Xmas Competition62.532729293234362734617/12/2019
2020 Qld Club Challenge - Zillmere - Round 163.3428292932343628366411/01/2020
2020 Physique Science QWA League & Masters League - Round 161.2527282932343429326115/02/2020
2020 Qld Masters Championships & Oly in the Outback Open58.4028293032343530346413/03/2020
2020 Qld Club Challenge - Zillmere - Round 265.6726272832343628346225/07/2020
AWF Masters Open58.9525252630303225325724/10/2020
2020 Physique Science QWA League & Masters League - Final58.7526272830323228326014/11/2020
NBWA Christmas Club Competition - "The Lawrie" in conjunction with QWA Club Challenge Rd 358.762526263032322630565/12/2020
North Brisbane Weightlifting Association Inc. Club Competition63.552425263032332632581/05/2021
Qld State Masters Championships60.7525262730323227325919/06/2021
NBWA Xmas comp - The Lawrie63.602728293233342933624/12/2021
QWA State Masters Championships63.3025262730323226305614/05/2022

Percent Successful Lifts

State Events6876%63%71%
Higher Events (National/International)1464%52%58%
All Events (Overall)8273%64%69%

Average First Attempts Compared to PB

When Successful-3kg - 76 events-5kg - 69 events
When missed-4kg - 5 events-4kg - 12 events

History of Records Broken

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